Finally the other day we finished installing the hardwood floor in the house. I am personally not a huge fan of emptying my room of absolutely everything, storing it in the basement and then sleeping in a very dusty place during the few days this summer when the weather is too cold to sleep with an open window.

Well, all these being over with, here’s the comparison:



Also as I have a wedding shoot this saturday, I got myself a large flash for my camera. As all wise people I know that a big flash doesn’t make you a great photographer …BUT, a big flash will definitely make it clear, even to the most ignorant, that you are one. Also it helps getting one out of tricky low light situations where even cranking up the ISO and putting up with evil photographic noise won’t help much. So here it is, the Nikon Speedlight SB600, the pride and joy of Nikon corporation.

Nikon Speedlight SB600

And here is a photo taken with it of my friend Marko who is the actual owner of the flash and kindly let me borrow it for the occasion! Marko is a photographer himself, but having more or less dedicated himself to photo-journalism …let’s just say it is not easy to get a smile out of him sometimes. Luckily he is quite on the photogenic side of the people spectrum.

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For all of you impatiently waiting to contact Stefan Chirila for a portrait session; all you photographers who can not wait to network with Stefan Chirila; and all you others who are interested in contacting Stefan Chirila for one reason or another, the NEW email address is up!
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The other day I was walking uptown Waterloo and I saw this beautiful old automobile! I don’t think I have seen a Kaiser before. On Wikipedia I managed to find the following information on it:

Kaiser automobile – Wikipedia

Originally formed as the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation in 1945, the corporation was reorganized in 1953 under the name Kaiser Motors Corporation after withdrawal of Joseph W. Frazer from the venture. The Kaiser-Frazer stock was redeemed, and Kaiser Motors stock was issued at that time. Kaiser Motors manufactured automobiles in a number of locations around the world with the primary facility and corporate headquarters at Willow Run, Michigan (USA).


StefanChirila is going .COM

Yes, it is true, finally leads to this blog-site. If you ask me, this is very good reason for celebration. Why should you care? BECAUSE of the the Summer 2009 Stefan Chirila Photography cotest! The first 3 of you that comment on this blog entry showing their interest in StefanChirila Photography, will receive a $50 credit toward your photography session with StefanChirila Photography!

What do you need to do to get one? Comment and make sure you leave your email address in the comment! Of the rest of you who comment until the end of the week, I will choose 2 more, based on the originality of your comment (Tell me why I should give a coupon to you) and give them a coupon each as well! Happy commenting =)

Natasha and Grant engagement photoshoot!

As I have promissed, here are the images from Natasha and Grant’s engagement photoshoot which I helped Alyssa Schroeder with as a second shooter. Here’s what happens when two beautiful people come together during golden light. Enjoy =)