This entry is regarding the K-W Walk for Haiti January 30 2010, here is the old entry for reference.

The walk is done, and what a fun day it was! The day started off with me waking up to the thought of how many of the Haitians may not enjoy half the things that I get to enjoy in my, by Canadian standards, modest breakfast of bun, cream cheese, tomato and Hungarian sausage.

That was when I got a big smile on my face and started to get really glad about the event that was about to take place today. So after enjoying a quick Turkish coffee I got on the bus and managed to get the right connections to get to Kiwanis Park on time. Yes I said on time, something rare for me. The 20 minute walk from the closest bus station was a welcomed reminder of the beautiful areas surrounding the park, which I haven’t had the chance to look at up close in quite a few good months. Once I arrived, I noticed the Grand River Trail Map was still at the same place where I saw it the first time I ever found my way to Kiwanis Park, sometime back in 2003 or 2004, during the peak of my marvelous trailing career, way back in highschool, when I earned the nickname, “the Trailmaster”.

After a little while, a car pulled into the Kiwanis Park Parking lot and I knew it was someone who came for the hike. Well …other than that no other cars had reason to drive in there, other than people coming to walk their dogs there, and the car had no dog in it, as well as the driver waved at me as he drove past me. It was my old friend Florin D, whom I had known since high school and hadn’t seen in the past year. It was a very pleasant surprise seeing he had come. We talked for a bit, remembering old times, then quickly realized it was getting close to 12:45 and nobody else had showed up. To my disappointment we ended up being the only ones doing the walk, but nonetheless it ended up being an awesome experience.

This is the two of us at the edge of the woods in Kiwanis Park

I will keep things short, so we can get to the photo viewing sooner. The walk was amazing, I had never walked that trail before, it used to always be by bike and to be honest I thought that walking it would be a pain and that it would feel like very long. It didn’t though. Instead it was very entertaining! Well… until I started suffering of dehydration due to my excess of Turkish coffee before I left home and my lack of drinking enough water and not bringing a bottle with me. But we solved that problem promptly stopping at a gas station and getting some water, something to snack on, a chocolate bar and some beef jerky I believe Florin got, and of course some more caffeine for me, a Red Bull since I hadn’t had one in a few years actually. Now I remember why I hadn’t had a Red Bull in so long. My body doesn’t seem to deal with it well. Nonetheless it managed to keep me awake for the rest of the trip.

So Florin and I continued our trek speaking in Romanian (we are both Romanian) and reminiscing childhood events, all kinds of childhood adventures that he had had and all kinds of childhood adventures that I didn’t yet would have liked to have. Florin told me about how in early gradeschool he had a friend. A (friendly) street dog who reminded him of a lion, hence his name, “Lion” who would join Florin every morning at 6am for a walk to the river side and occasionally defend Florin from other street dogs. The way he told the story and described that dog made me think of my old German shepherd. *sigh* What can I say, dogs rule!

As I had assumed, we arrived at Bingemans at around 5pm, from where Florin’s dad kindly picked us up with the car and gave us a ride back to Kiwanis from where Florin drove us back. This was today in a nutshell. I shot a few pictures on the way, and I will post them shortly, after I take a well deserved nap. I feel like after a long workout and I believe my feet got a few blisters. Alright I’m done complaining. Old gramps’ Stefan is going for a nap now. Check out the photos below!

Once again Florin, THANK YOU so very much for coming out today and for your generous donation to the people of Haiti. I would have to say that in spite of many of the people who signed up for the walk not showing up, the K-W Walk for Haiti was a grand success! Also a THANK YOU goes out to those who didn’t manage to make it to the walk but donated anyway from home through the Internet on the Canadian Red Cross web site!

Here’s the K-W Walk for Haiti google maps map, updated with the photo locations, just in case you’re curious:

View KW – Haiti Walk, Jan 30 2010 in a larger map

Florin posing for me as I was testing the lens

Florin was very excited about finding …whatever it is that he found there. It looked like a marble stuck inside the stem of a plant…

The first exciting challenge was the thrill of walking through private property as the Grand River trail went through somebody’s field at that point. Not exactly the regular thrill seeker’s scenario, but we made the best of it.

Our second exciting adventure was walking down to the river shore. There we found a rather large number of geese …who, afraid of me shooting them, since I had my camera quite visible, all flew away. O well …no goose dinner that day I guess.

Walking back to the main trail from the river shore

I especially like this area in autumn when the corn field is ready for harvest and you walk through a long hall with really tall corn on either side. This panorama shot would have not been possible then I guess.

Some people sharing the trail with us

Right after we passed the special Scouts Canada trail.

gotta love these!

At Bridge street…

A daddy giving his kids a ride! Awesome idea!

And eventually we arrived at Bingemans!

Read the blog entry after the event:

I’ve been thinking, yes some of my closer friends may debate whether or not that happens very often, and I concluded I suck! Please excuse my french, but seriously, look around and see how much everyone is doing for the people suffering over in Haiti and then look at me twittering about joy-walks through the park, twittering from my fancy shmanzy iPhone.

So okay, here’s the Stefan take on doing something about it! “The Grand River Trail walk for Haiti”

We will all meet up and walk down the Grand River Trail from Kiwanis Park in Waterloo, down to Bingemans Park in Kitchener.

Here’s the link to the KW – Walk for Haiti Facebook event

To contact me: My cell phone is 519.580.0699
When: Saturday January 30 2010 12 PM – NOON
From: Kiwanis Park – Waterloo
To: Bingemans Park – Kitchener
Distance: roughly 8 kilometres (5 miles)
What do we do: Walk
Purpose: Fund Raiser for Haiti
Wear RED! If at all possible, please wear a RED jacket or shirt or pants …or scarf or hat to show solidarity with the Haiti people and the Canadian Red Cross. Thank you =)

Here is a map of our walk (the trail drawn on the map is not 100% accurate, we will be following the Grand River Trail which can be found on the Grand River Transit public transportation maps):

View KW – Haiti Walk, Jan 30 2010 in a larger map

Before we start the walk, I will log in to the Red Cross Canada web site and make a donation with my own credit card in value of the amount of money that we manage to raise.

For those who would rather make a donation themselves, here is the Red Cross Canada Link

What to bring!
The following information is important, please read it.

If you decide to come, please make sure to:
dress warm (if possible wearing something red to show solidarity with the Haiti people!)
bring water with you (optionally a snack)
arrange for your ride to drop you off (@Kiwanis Park) and pick you up (@Bingemans)
bring a cell phone in order to communicate with your ride in case you need to be picked up somewhere else

As you would have noticed if you follow me on Twitter, I have posted quite the number of times today. I got to walk the Iron Horse trail for a bit in the afternoon and felt like sharing the beauty of Victoria Park in this particular season. For those who have not seen the Twitter posts, here is a summary:

The photographs are taken with an iPhone, just in case you were worried and already planned to cancel your next photo session with me due to concerned regarding the quality of the pictures I produce. Yes it is a joke, not the part with with iPhone, that is true.

Posted in Uncategorized |

Heres the portrait session with Laura and Scott. I’ve known Laura from highschool. She had told me for quite a while that she was interested in a portrait session, but only now did things fall into place in such a way that she contacted me and asked me when I could book her and her boyfriend for a couples’ session. I was quite excited because working with couples is always a lot of fun. What I didn’t know was how great they looked together and how good they are at smiling quite naturally at command in spite of the below zero temperatures and the wind chill.

As I usually like to do, I met them at the Starbucks in uptown Waterloo and we walked from there, since there are quite some lovely locations within walking distance. Now, what I did not consider was how “within walking distance” is quite a fluid notion when the temperatures venture below the freezing point, so we had to restrict our walking to areas that gave us the possibility to get indoors for a quick warm-up every once in a while. The old Seagram distillery building, now lofts, was a perfect place to start. We shot a bit, then ran inside to warm up, then shot some more, eventually making our way down to the train station in Waterloo Park. But I won’t keep you waiting any more, here’s the results!

Thank you very much Laura and Scott for putting up with the cold in favour of me taking pictures of you!

Laura mentioned how she loves it how I bring out people’s eyes in portraits and said she is looking forward to see the ones of Scott, since he has such detail-rich eyes. Indeed he does!

Scott found a way to keep himself warm …Matrix style!

They just stood there in perfect positions without me even saying anything. Both of them born models I tell you! I am so being spoiled. Other photographers need to actually work on telling their clients how to stand. Look at this! Looks almost like taken out of one of the Matrix movies