This year, the amount of snow we received was not a particularly surprising one. We got about roughly the average amount of snow that we can expect over here in southern Ontario. The surprising part was that as opposed to adding up, from the end of December on and until now, in February, this year, the snow fell all in one large gulp between February the 22nd and the 24th. To be honest I enjoyed it. Although I realise that the reason for this is global warming and that it is no good news at all, I quite prefer all the snow coming and going in one quick turn.

Along with the awesome snow storm that began this unusual snowfall came the news of another awesome event. My friend Meghan had cut her hair. Now the simple fact that she did that is not the awesomeness of it, since she looked quite good with her hair long, but the thing is that she did not only cut her hair for the sheer sake of making it shorter. Meghan found out about this initiative that the company Pantene had, in collaboration with the Cancer Society, which is to gather hair donated by people and make wigs for women who go through cancer treatment and due to the therapy lose their own hair. Read about all the details regarding this project here.

As for Meghan, here are a few images of her beautiful new style!

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As spring draws near and the temperatures swing tease-fully close to the positives, I have adventured outside of my burrow to wintery cityscape. However, the winter-wonderland that was to be expected is but a rather dry and windy place, with an occasional ice patch here and there, just to make sure we know it is still to some extent the season of snow.

As you have noticed if you follow me on Twitter, I have recently started to seriously put my iPhone to work by updating my statuses with images, whenever the social situation or the fact that I did not have my large camera with me, caused me to have no alternative. Due to the nature of the tiny iPhone camera and poor ISO performance, the images are not remotely comparable to SLR images (hence in order to spare you the shock and assumption that suddenly my photographic skill has disappeared), I marked the ones taken with the iPhone with a little stamp.

The other day, in fact, when I spent a little time with my friend Marko at Starbucks, he pointed out to me that there is a specific app for the iPhone that gives pictures a LOMO feel. I tried it and I think it rocks! (the app name is MoreLOMO and its free!) See for yourself:

My friend Marko

Today I had a chance once again to use the iPhone. As I was walking downtown, I passed through city hall where a chess tournament was taking place. Here’s a panorama tool app in action! (the name of the app is Pano and is available in the iPhone app store for ~$2; Also available for FREE is PanoStudio)

At the chess tournament

Upstairs at city hall they recently posted a beautiful hand crafted canoe received by the Kitchener City Hall from the Native Peoples of Canada.

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Ladies and gentlemen, it is once again that time of year. When we celebrate Cupid’s adventurous sharpshooting straight into our hearts. So in honour of this time of year, every portrait session is 30% off staring tomorrow Feb 4th and until (and for the late birds including) the special day Feb 14th.

And don’t forget, celebrating love is so much more effective when sharing love. So write a card or two to someone you could use one, a word of encouragement, a warm touch!

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