This one is for my photographer friends out there. I’m sure each of you has or will have to fight with this issue at one point or another in your photographic career:

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Last month I left the safety of Kitchener once again to experience the adventure of an open air concert in Toronto …the big Tee Oh. Ok so I’ll admit, the concert was my friend’s idea …but Toronto did sound appealing since I wanted to visit the Distillery District since forever now and here was my chance! Had I known that this endeavour would end up in me being stuck over night in scary downtown Toronto, after 4 hours of sleep the night before and a whole day of walking AND an upset stomach, I would have …well …would have had more sleep the night before. Here’s a photo essay I put together with some images I shot that day. Enjoy!

*the image of the CN tower lit up was taken around 4AM, laying on the grass out there killing time until 7AM when the earliest Greyhound bus would bring me back home.

Posted in artistic, street |

Last week I photographed Daniella’s sweet 15 birthday party; and boy was it ever a party! When I got hired for the event I was not aware I would photograph a princess.

Posted in events, portraits |

I have, for a while now, been contemplating this initiative and finally the day has come to make this announcement along with fellow Kitchener photographer Sarah Lisk. I am excited be able to announce that The Inner Beauty 2010 Event is ALIVE! What is it? Read on…

Design by Stefan Chirila | On how I made the logo

If you’d like to use the Logo in order to promote the event on your site download it here:
PNG format (transparency but slower to load) | JPG format (faster to load but no transparency)

WHAT:The Inner Beauty 2010 event is a photography event put together in order to boost self esteem by practically pointing out that the world of fashion is not an entity with the purpose of creating a fake unattainable image of social beauty, but a means of pointing out and bringing to the surface of that which most provides a person with beauty, the inner self.

Our aim is to reach out to the victims of the commercialization of fashion, which broadcasts and attempts to impose its own product as a standard of beauty, be it a specific height or weight, colour of hair, eyes, skin, etc., and at the same time reinforce human value through the person one is.
WHO: This event is brought to you by:

Stefan Chirila | Photographer


Photography by Sarah Lisk

WHERE: Kitchener, Ontario
WHEN: The PhotoShoot: October 8th 2010 (or if it rains, October 9th) | The Celebration: to be announced (roughly a week after the photoshoot)
HOW it will happen:
In order for this event to successfully take place we need YOUR help! We are in need of 10 candidates that meet the following 2 criteria:

1. The person makes the lives of the ones around them a little brighter,
is there to cheer you up when you are down, when you think of them you can’t help but think “That is a good friend!”

2. The person is, however, in need of a good self esteem boost! Either he/she is not aware of the beauty that they radiate and somehow this beauty is hidden from their own eyes; or perhaps they have been put down by the society around them and have been told that something about their outer appearance makes them less than adequate.

Now what you need to do is to point out to us one or more of such wonderful people in your life and write a us paragraph explaining how that person fits those two criteria! (Preferably: Do this by writing a comment at the bottom of this blog entry as opposed to emailing.) We will review all the paragraphs that are sent to us and will pick the ones that we find to be the top 10. Not that we wouldn’t want to have all of those people be part of this event, but regrettably our momentary limitations dictate this restricted number to us. We will, however, keep those not chosen in mind for further events in the next while!

The 10 chosen individuals will join us at the date listed above and we will have a fun day of portrait photography in both an indoor and an outdoor location. Hair and makeup design will be provided by our volunteers.

After about a week, on the second date listed above, we will all get together, us, the 10 chosen ones, and all of you, to celebrate the inner beauty of those around us that mean so much to us and who make a difference in our lives everyday. We will also provide each of our 10 chosen models with a CD containing high resolution images of themselves to keep as well as one 8×10 photographic print.

Don’t be shy to contact us (by commenting on this post or by emailing: Stefan Chirila – | Sarah Lisk – if you are interested to volunteer your time or skills to this cause. Click here for a list of positions that still need to be filled!

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Photographers/ Businesses/ Individuals that are also part of the Inner Beauty 2010 event:

Juan David … Musical Performance
Maria Rokicki … Makeup Design

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