@6:55pm the next day (October 9th 2010)
Yesterday was …at its best, a success exceeding expectations …and at its worst a day filled with interesting challenges for us to overcome as one! That being told …I gotta say I got home late and dead tired, I head-dove into my bed and ignoring iPhone beeps and buzzes and morning sunlight until around 1PM today when the call of coffee got me out of bed.

Thinking about the event that is now behind us, the intention that lay at the foundation of it, and the effect of it, I was pleasantly impressed to find out about the new Jars Of Clay CD that came out, called The Shelter, and its title song with the same name and the meaning of it.

I agree with them, we can not, and were not designed to live alone, and only in the shelter of each other we will never walk alone. Enjoy the music and come back soon for images from the event!

Sunday we have our InnerBeauty2010 Event After Party! more about that SOON!


@12:30AM (October 8th 2010)
This is a hyperness-induced late night blogging! The Inner Beauty Event 2010 is about to take place in roughly 8hours and 30minutes!

Posted in events, forPhotographers, meets, multimedia, portraits, street, Uncategorized |

Well, I officially as of now know what inspired people to have Halloween at this time of year…
The other day I went for a walk downtown, by my favourite places, and took some images there, and the dark overcast looked spooky. First though, in the morning I met up with a new friend, Cristian (over at Matter Of Taste Cafe, downtown Kitchener); he is a fellow photographer and he let me play with his awesome 35mm f1.8 lens! I was debating recently whether that or the 85mm 1.8 should be the next lens I aim to buy (definitely a fixed focal), but as I got to try this one out, I am strongly inclined to say that my next lens will be the 35mm! Check it out below!

That’s him on top left, and me in the two smaller Stefan-sized images on the right. Cristian is responsible for the beautiful bird’s-eye image of the coffee-cup and I am responsible for the poorly composed, tilted coffee-cup below it *sigh*

And now that I had another sip of my coffee I can continue. After Cristian departed, I went to a meeting with the people involved with the Inner Beauty 2010 event, over at Little Bean coffee shop (for some more coffee) and eventually I started my walk through my favourite parts of downtown.

The first place I head to, when I walk through my favourite areas of downtown Kitchener, is the area around Joseph Street, Oak Street, Linden Avenue and Victoria Street. I love those old warehouses, the tower and the old Lang Tannery. >>Map.<< If you click on the Map link to your left, then you will see the little warehouses on the left side. Well, they don’t exist any more …as I mentioned in a previous blog post. I am rather upset about that, since I liked them a lot. But now, because of them not being there any more, I have access to the smoke stack, which somehow was left standing and which you can see in the picture I posted above here.

More panorama images of this area to come below here. I went all panorama-crazy AgAiN and took some 50 images which will drain my ram to put together, so I will do so in the days to come.

Next, I got to Victoria Park. I saw a woman there with two children. She was feeding an army of ducks! She had a doughnut in her hand and she was swarmed of them flying beasties!

Just check out how ghostly Victoria Park looked. Maybe I’m exaggerating but I think it did…

Today as I was browsing facebook, I noticed someone’s favourite quotation was by a Romanian poet, Octavian Paler, and it was titled “Interview With God”. I really liked it so I translated it for you:

Interview With God
by Octavian Paler

“So, you’d like to interview me…” said God.
“If you have time …” said I.

Then God smiled and said:
“My time-frame is eternity …so what would you ask Me?”

I asked:
“What is it that surprises you most about people?”

And God replied:
“The fact that they get bored of childhood, they are in a hurry to grow up, then they crave to be children again; that they lose their health for the sake of making money and then spend their money trying to recover it; the fact that they think about the future with fear, forgetting the present and end up living out neither the present nor the future; that they live out their lives as if they would never die, but end up, when they do die, feeling as if they had never lived at all.”

Then God took my hand and we were both quiet for a while. Then I asked:

“As a parent, what are some valuable life lessons You would want Your children to learn?”

He replied:
“To learn that it only takes seconds to slice deep wounds into the heart of those that love them and that it takes whole years for those to heal; to learn that one called rich, is not the one who owns the most, but the one who needs the least; to know that there are those who love them, but simply know not how to express it; to learn that indeed two can stare at the same object and view it in two completely different ways; to learn that aside from forgiving one another, they need to be able to forgive themselves as well.”

So gratefully I thanked Him:
“Thank you for the time you have given me, but, there is one more thing… What would you want people to know?”

Then He smiled and replied:
“Just that I am here …always”

Posted in artistic, street, Uncategorized |

This week is starting out interestingly. On a happy note, we are three-and-a-bit days away from the Inner Beauty 2010 event, while on a sad note, the happy prettiful autumn weather seems to be fading into oblivion, giving way to February-like weather and on top of that I have a cold…

But back to the happy note …we’re only three-and-a-bit days away from the event! Luckily I managed to catch up on blogging before the actual date of it, and here I am updating the names of the lucky persons nominated for the portrait session! For the sake of anonimity anonymity of the nominators (some of them asked to remain annonimous anonymous), I will only post the paragraphs as to why each person should be nominated. Just for the record, in each paragraph, when it says “i” or “me”, the writer, as in the person who nominated the person Person #, speaks about themselves and not me as in Stefan Chirila haha. Just thought there may be reason for confusion. So here we go.

And please do read out the paragraphs and be reminded of the good things that good people do in the world today. There are many bad things happening each day, but there is also so much good going around! =)

Person #1:
Heart filled with pain from a lifetime of tragedy, Person #1 still has enough love and strength to care for her 13 year old daughter and mother who suffers a terminal illness before she cares for herself. Overwhelmed with her own struggles and stress on faith she never fails to provide hope and wisdom to those around her. Even in her darkest moment, Person #1 will pick herself up by writing to and about hope and faith in love and God, and she steps out again into a world so cruel to her to show it, you wont beat me. Person #1‘s strength gives me strength and her ability to use the resources around her have helped me get the information I need to deal with my own struggles. She will never fail to remind us how special we are and how valuable our lives are, how loved we are, even as she fails to believe this about herself.

Person #2:
Person #2 works around the clock to provide funding, entertainment, awareness, housing and encouragement for artists and fans alike around the world. To provide the best relief possible for Conception following a devastating earthquake, she exhausted her funds to be on site and hands on. This is only one example. Person #2 has provided opportunities for success to many people of many cultures and backgrounds standing by them as they grow, providing encouragement and praise along the way. For me personally, she has given me an outlet to practice, create and even sell my event photography. I cant begin to tell you of the friendships I’ve acquired, experiences I’ve learned from and growth I’ve achieved from her belief in me. Isabel teaches and loves with everything she does. She has created a phenomenal organization for our community and continues to believe in and encourage all those she meets. Person #2 has changed my life, given me the ability to see that I can be who and what I want to be in life.

Person #3:
Person #3 is another soul who lives and works for others before herself. Struggling with disabling health issues, Person #3 continues to work and research to earn funds and learn with hopes she can save her mother, father and two small brothers, Kosovar refugees, a terrible fate as they fight and work to remain in Canada. Person #3 is an absolutely gorgeous woman who has been trampled by stress and illness the majority of us will never know.

Person #4:
Person #4 is a single mom with a tragic past has fought to overcome her own pain to raise her son in a happy environment. She attended a course at Conestoga College and came out with an opportunity to set up and manage a branch of a community centre in an area the established centre was unfortunately not reaching. Street borders, language and culture had segregated this community from the rest of the area. As Person #4 Ann worked with her own struggles she has built not only a successful community centre but a community, and has achieved far more than anyone’s expectations. She hasn’t stopped there. Person #4 was there for me as I broke down mentally and gave me a place to belong. She gave me the pushing I needed and stood by me as I reached out to her referrals for mental help for myself and my sons, social activities and even college. If Person #4 didn’t have a solution to an issue, she had a resource that did, and she never waits for you to reach, she does it and puts it in your hands.

Person #5:
Person #5 was a neighbour but still a stranger when she came and sat with me one evening on my porch. She soon learned of my predicament resulting in an impulsive move, mostly on my own to pack and get things out. Between jobs Maria was there for my family day and night, cleaning, packing and moving. She helped with my boys and even hung around for moral support and friendship when the day was done. After my transition Person #5 was there to move my things from storage to home, this would be the second move in the same month. Myself out of money, she has provided money for food and travel, and of course my smoking… Something we have in common. As the workload dwindles, she is my companion through a tv series marathon and a great asset in settling the boys and puppies in their new home. Temporarily without a license, she continues to volunteer to drive me on errands abs fill the tank. We have become great friends and I hope I get the opportunity to be there for her some day as she’s unconditionally been there for me, out of the blue.

Person #6:
Known to us as Miss.M, my youngest son has had the privilege of having her for a teacher 3 seasons in a row. Miss M is the only teacher who has been able to reach this unique and somewhat troubled child through love and laughter rather than harshness and threats. She hangs out after school to speak with all the parents of her students and past students as well. Its easy to see she is loved and valued by all who’ve had the chance to work with her. I appreciate how she always has time to talk about my son, to talk with her students in and out of class, we never feel rushed… She is always smiling. Even discussing my son’s struggles she has great things to say about him, always positive. He now enjoys school and doesn’t get anxious and sick as he did before her.

Person #7:
If there’s one person who is an expert at destroying self-esteem, it is Person #7‘s father. He chooses to spread his misery onto others rather then deal with it, with a focus on Person #7 specifically. Thus, by this point in her life she is not doing so well. Self-esteem is the key factor in whether you decide you can succeed. Person #7 needs to realize that everything her father and other people say about her are lies , and that she is a wonderful human being with the ability to prove them wrong. Person #7 has always been there for me throughout the years. In fact, she always puts my needs/wants before hers despite my being dissent. I love her for that. Give her this day so she can shine like I know she can.

Person #8:
Person #8 is full of beauty, at least that’s the way I see her. Always full of laughter around her friends, and lends an ear and a hug to those who need it. She has a great smile that always brightens my day and the day of her friends, but the problem is, I don’t think she necessarily sees that in herself, which is why I want to recommend her for inner beauty 2010; because I think she needs this to bring out her bright inner beauty to the outside for everyone and herself to see.

Person #9:
As far as unique inner beauty goes, Person #9 is the most beautiful and unique person I know. She has an “old soul” since she loves everything old and sometimes it seems like she lives in the olden times. She is very spirited in the things she loves and for the people she loves. She also has this love for animals and nature that I have not seen in anyone else. However since I have known her, she has never been able to love herself. As much as I love her as a good friend, it is hard for me to see her not love herself, because she is very beautiful both on the outside and inside. I am recommending her for inner beauty 2010 because it is high time that she sees herself the way her friends and family sees her, as the very beautiful person she is.

P.S. Here’s a little reminder about the day of the photoshoot October 8th.
–> We aim to be at the hair dresser salon at 9AM (866 Frederick Street, Unit A, Kitchener – Contact person: Cristina Curescu)

Posted in events, forPhotographers, meets, Uncategorized |

Recently I’ve been swamped with various things to do and plan and I have very much neglected my readers. I have here a little summary set up about some recent photographic happenings in my life. This one will be a picture post so enjoy! =)

BUT, before the images, keep in mind that on October 8th, the Inner Beauty Event is taking place! Check it out here on my blog and here on facebook.

Images from Glenda del E’s CD launching party, in Toronto, that I photographed for the Latin Life Magazine (www.latinlife.ca):

Above: Glenda and my friend Brigitte who interviewed her.

Above: Brigitte

While going for a walk in Victoria Park, a little ago, I noticed the warehouses at Joseph and Victoria Street had been destroyed… I am [NOT] happy about this, UGH!

Spending time with friends, taking pictures, enjoying autumn:

Last Sunday I went to see my dear friend Roxy’s baptism, over at the Romanian Pentacostal Church of Kitchener:

And last but not least, here is the lovely Maria Rokicki, a very talented makeup artist who will be working with me and photographer Sarah Lisk (www.sarahlisk.com):

Posted in artistic, events, meets, portraits, street |