This week has been one of the busier ones of this year. I generally tend to get most of my work done at night, a self proclaimed night owl, but recently I only had time to empty my memory cards in the evenings and then hit the hay knowing that the next morning I had somewhere to be. I don’t mean to complain too much, I enjoy what I do and am very very thankful that I get the occasions that I have to do it, but nonetheless I am starting to feel the repercussions of the coffee abuse and I am a bit looking forward to the coming week when I plan to stay indoors most of the time and process RAW files until I can’t see straight any more (with the exception of the occasional coffee breaks that I look forward to be invited to by friends …).

I plan on writing a more detailed entry about this week, about the October First celebrations, but the week isn’t over so not yet. Last night I did something that I’d like to share here, mainly because I haven’t done something of that sort in a long time and it was nice dabbling in that field again; I helped my photographer friend Marko Kovacevic design a watermark for his images based on his signature.

Okay, okay I will also post a sample from the fashion shoot we did today in St. Jacobs, Ontario.

Posted in artistic, events, forPhotographers, friends, meets, preview | Tagged , , |

This year is the first time that I am attempting to celebrate the October First week properly, with a few events. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, here’s a short form of the short explanation. On October 1st 2006 I photographed this:

and this image has changed my life forever. Firstly it was the catalyst for meeting my friend Alyssa, who is one of the most influential on me of all photographers I have yet met. She taught me everything I knew at the time about portrait photography. The second thing this image did for me was to move me to think about why it was that it looked pretty, compared to all my other images at the time. This was about the first time that I ever questioned whether there were any guidelines, or things that I could do in order to more or less for sure produce a pleasant looking image. As a result, my present two photography workshops were born Photographing Consciously and Photography as Perception.

So on the week of October 1st, I plan on organizing meetings, talks, photo shoots, with the purpose of inspiring and raising awareness about inspiration and what it can do in people’s lives. Read more about October First 2012 Events.

For Monday’s meet I put together an ePamphlet on inspiration in photography. Download it here as a PDF or view it in your browser as images below.

Posted in events, forPhotographers, friends, meets, opinions, photowalk, technical, workshop |

Some sample images from Rebekah and Micahel’s wedding, last Friday at the Elm Hurtst Inn in Ingersoll, Ontario. Enjoy.

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Yesterday I photographed Hiba and Calin who are celebrating their engagement. I know it is very late at night (or early in the morning, depending on how you look at it) but I couldn’t help processing a few images, so here’s a sample for your viewing pleasure.

Hiba and Calin Engagement Portraits

Hiba and Calin Engagement Portraits

And here is a group portrait we did at the end of the session. We had a lot of fun, especially because Laura (in the center of the image below) decided to join in as my assistant today.

Hiba and Calin Engagement Portraits

Posted in engagements, portraits, preview |