I can’t believe it! I just received an email saying that I have been nominated by people to be considered for this year’s Arts Awards Waterloo Region for the category of photography.

Back in 2009 when I came back from a trip in British Columbia and was excited and inspired by the fact that the photographers there would meet up (in spite of their busy schedules) on somewhat of a regular basis in order to socialize, photograph together and inspire one another, I expected my attempt to implement that here in Kitchener/Waterloo to be a long process, to be hard, to be perhaps successful eventually, but I did not expect someone to nominate me for it. I am rather speechless and I owe you a big thank you and a cup of the best espresso in town!

Since this topic is up anyway, I will take this time to plug some of the things that I got the nomination for:

As for photo walks, please join the Facebook or the Google+ pages to be notified of times and locations.

Posted in forPhotographers, friends, mylife, opinions |

Email me at stefan@stefanchirila.com or contact me on facebook

Posted in events, family, portraits, preview |

Canadian one cent coin

Good bye Canadian one cent coin. I’ll miss you

As of February 2013, Canada is no longer using their one cent coins. Boo. In memory of it I am making a 2 wallpapers set available (1600px wide, colour and black/white versions available) here.

Posted in Uncategorized |

Happy Valentine’s day to all. And please don’t take this as a taunt if you are single – being single myself I often wondered whether this is how it’s meant when people (who knew I was single) would say it to me. The key is to take it for what it is, a wish for positiveness. =)

Since on the topic of relationships, I’ve been thinking about you guys (and gals) lately – you people who read my blog and visit my site. I feel like today is my new year’s eve rather than Valentine’s Day, having decided on a few resolutions meant to improve our relationship. My own take on relationships is rather tunnel-sighted: openess is key. I gotta admit, I was a bit reluctant about blogging a lot of things in my life, especially debating whether they are relevant to a photography web site… I do want to provide you with interesting reading material and I am sure you will be forgiving with my slow process; guess being comfortable carrying a heavy camera and torturing models for extended periods of time in scorching summer heat or blistering storms doesn’t necessarily make one a good blogger too. =)

I’ll tell you about the past days….
It started with a horrible week. Let me tell you the dirt on my Nikon D700 sensor issue kept me up at night (mostly literally). I am so glad it is over with =|. Then followed a fantastic week (how do these extremes always end up together head to head?) where I got to meet up, and spend some quality time with some people I didn’t get to see in a long time and some new people I am glad I can now call my friends. I discovered a new coffee shop called Death Valley’s Little Brother, which I ended up going to almost 5 times in a row. They have fantastic espresso and the atmosphere is also lovely. I am about to finally implement the new web site theme that I have been working on since forever and I met another night olw like myself (an owlet – but that’s a story for another post =P). There was also a snow storm and I hope it’s the last one of the season (no, I am not a big fan of shoveling large quantities of snow).

As for the web site, I am looking forward to your input on the navigation improvements. I would like to encourage you to comment on the blog posts …because …well it makes my day, and it encourages (ahem …reminds) me to update this place more often, knowing that people read about it. And if this doesn’t float your boat and you’re more of a Facebook or Twitter kind of guy or gal, then by all means, contact me there (the links take you to my accounts).

image of snow blower


Suzie at DVLB Cafe


hello kitty snow cat

image of snowed in car

image of snowy street

Posted in forPhotographers, friends, mylife, opinions, street |