READ Part 2 | READ Part 3

Although the winter of 2006 has taught me to appreciate the cold, snowy, and foggy days that characterize the season, by forcing me to learn how to photograph it, and even to make it look appealing, on the foreign streets of Hamburg, Germany, I must admit that every now and then, more often than not, I slip back into the old mode, and Winter blues catches up with me.

These days photography is scarce, models are reluctant to walk out into the wind chilled city scapes, and many times so am I. It is the time for reminiscing about the past summer, planning out the summer to come, and doing the non-photographic aspects of a photography business, that I usually either dread or never seem to find the time to do.

For me those are: web site maintenance, planning out marketing approaches, and waking up early… no, never mind the last one, that’s something I always has trouble with and I suspect always will. Maintaining my web site is something I am determined to get better at, especially now that I have a mobile device that I can do that with on the go… but there’s a different post on that topic that’s in the works. 🙂

So much for part one of this post for now, but not before sharing some views of the winter we are having around here.






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Winter has returned… or perhaps just finally arrived. All I know is it is very early in the morning on this Saturday, the temperature is somewhere in the vicinity of -17C (supposed to feel like -26C with the wind), waiting for my ride to a photo shoot. Here’s a glimpse of what being me, here, now, feels like. Until later folks. I really need to get into the habit of blogging more…

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So many things have happened lately, you’ll need to be patient with me but the photos are coming! Firstly here’s what happened last week. We, my photography and adventure friends, Suzie, David and Connie, decided to go and photograph at my friend Sandra’s farm (she has a horse related business) and produce some portraits of the lovely animals.

It was quite the day …let me tell you I woke up at 6am, which is something I usually don’t do unless absolutely necessary, since that sort of thing usually renders me absolutely useless after a few hours. We, well I, however quickly got over the whole feeling tired part when we saw the fog that surrounded the farm! It was rather amazing.

Eventually, after countless detail shots all around the place, we finally headed inside to see what we actually came for, the horses! Adorable, of course, in ways in which only horses manage to pull it off being adorable, they were surprisingly varied in terms of personality. One for example, kept following me and seemed to prefer to graze somewhere in the close vicinity of my feet …while another was convinced that if she chewed on my camera strap for long enough it’ll taste good.

Suzie bravely is testing the viciousness level of this terrifying creature… putting her camera in danger and everything.

…and is happy to report that the creature is peaceful and benevolent.

The only scary part, being surrounded by three scarily tall curious horses sniffing me, aside, was when one of them got scared (by another horse) and kicked the one behind her …which kicked off (pun intended) a series of kicking and confusing among them, fact which quickly drove us all on the other side of the closest lockable gate.

Here’s Connie

And Connie again

And here’s David getting his arm almost ripped off …but; all in all it was great! We all got great shots and spent an unforgettable time together (eventually getting extremely silly and shooting portraits of each other in the field).

I hope Suzie will someday forgive me for posting these…

…and this

Hope you liked what you saw; if you did feel free to leave a comment on facebook. Or follow me on twitter.

Posted in forPhotographers, friends, meets, mylife, photowalk |

customCHROME is finally here! Follow the link by clicking on the image to find the dedicated page and start enjoying the endless possibilities!

Also find customCHROME on Facebook; read news and leave comments.

Posted in artistic, events, forPhotographers, linux, photowalk, portraits, technical, workshop | Tagged , , |