Category Archives: Uncategorized

Heres the portrait session with Laura and Scott. I’ve known Laura from highschool. She had told me for quite a while that she was interested in a portrait session, but only now did things fall into place in such a … Continue reading

Today has been quite a day! It started off well, I got to sleep in quite a bit. Then it got better …I got to use car to deliver Laura the photos from her photo session with her boyfriend. Then … Continue reading

I met the Anthony family through a photographer friend, Marko Kovacevic, one day this last summer as we met to discuss photography Downtown Kitchener. They were with him over at the Kitchener Children’s Museum watching an event when I joined … Continue reading

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Yes you read right! The Olympic flame was in downtown Kitchener tonight and I was there to see it! I can’t believe it. Yes I know you may say that this is not that big of a deal and from … Continue reading