Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ladies and gentlemen, it is once again that time of year. When we celebrate Cupid’s adventurous sharpshooting straight into our hearts. So in honour of this time of year, every portrait session is 30% off staring tomorrow Feb 4th and … Continue reading

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This entry is regarding the K-W Walk for Haiti January 30 2010, here is the old entry for reference. The walk is done, and what a fun day it was! The day started off with me waking up to the … Continue reading

Read the blog entry after the event: I’ve been thinking, yes some of my closer friends may debate whether or not that happens very often, and I concluded I suck! Please excuse my french, but seriously, look around and … Continue reading

As you would have noticed if you follow me on Twitter, I have posted quite the number of times today. I got to walk the Iron Horse trail for a bit in the afternoon and felt like sharing the beauty … Continue reading

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