I am quite excited to write this entry. Yesterday I received an email from RedBubble, a web site white I post some of my artistic photography, letting me know that someone purchased a 16inch x 20inch print and that the profit that I’ve earned would be transfered into my PayPal account shortly!
The picture that made the sale:

The idea behind me writing about this, is not just me sharing with the world (showing off) the fact that I managed to sell some of my artwork, but to mention the awesome phenomenon that exists out there, these web sites that allow you, and may I add, for no cost, to post artwork and to present it to potential customers, to sell it, and to have it printed for the customer without any extra involvement by you, while as a result you end up with an amount of profit transferred into your wallet!
One of these sites is RedBubble:
RedBubble allows me to set up an account, upload artwork that is viewable by anyone on the internet, set my artwork up in a gallery and then:
The allow me to advertise my gallery all over my other sites, blogs and so on using:
One-picture animates slideshows:
Another web site that offers similar services is Lulu.com!
This web site is targeting photographers and writers who would like to publish their work in book form. The website offers anyone the opportunity to put together a book with photography or just text or both for no cost, then post it along with the price they would like for it on the lulu.com marker place. The web site of course adds their little extra there for manufacturing and shipping, et voila, anyone can get published now, on-demand!
Check out the Demo!