Introducing Tabby and Sammy, a very lovely couple that recently agreed to let me torture them by means of a portrait session in the country side surrounding St. Jacobs, Ontario. I generally use the term torture in regards to what I do to my models, usually jokingly; but in this case it more or less fits. Looking at the images you will not think for a moment think that the spring air they were breathing was anything by warm and that there was no lack of a breeze either. It was rather chill, they were kind enough to not suggest to cut the portrait session short. Thank you!
Funny fact: we were both laughing there at the fact that it took me so long to realize the branch that she was holding on to …was in fact being held by her. You can’t tell from the picture, but the branch is not attached to a tree. I could not tell from the angle I was looking either.
It is astounding how a ten minute drive outside of the city can look like miles away from covilization.
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